Happy New Year (and we hope its better than the last)

Gripper update.

The grippers have been sprayed and a non-slip coating has been added.


The software has been modded slightly to maintain continuous pressure on the block, once the grippers close, and a control button to switch off the gripper servo when the grippers are not closed. This seems to work reasonably well but we might require more tweaking as the cubes are quite slippery.


We now have three cubes of different colours for the "Tidy Up The Toys" challenge.

Amy has produced some nice menu artwork including this one for "Feed the Fish".

Carping On

She will also be giving a talk at the PiWars conference about this and her other digital art, see https://piwars.org/2021-vc/ for details.

 Feed the Fish

Team Forest Fighters still can't decide how to do this challenge either using a catapult or shove halfpenny methods.

Having printed a catapult and launching nerf rounds across the lounge never to be seen again behind the TV, we are thinking this might not be the way forward. Golf balls ordered and expect a decision soon.....

Spring is in the Air

Target Acquired

Amy still needs to practice her driving and Amy's Dad needs to complete the catapult.


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